Partly Portuguese Productions

About US



The first project was the publication of a book:

Partly Portuguese Almost Australian (2006).

The next project involved facilitating the formation of the Portuguese Historical Society of Australia (PHSA).

The current project aims at assisting with a book project for the Portuguese Australian Women's Association (PAWA) to capture the unsung voices of the first female immigrants from Portugal to Australia.

The future of PPP will involve collaborating with local talent and Portuguese organisations to produce projects that appeal to the Australian taste and incorporates the Portuguese-style, which is growing in appeal.

From printed-word projects to filmic ventures Partly Portuguese Productions hopes to promote the Australian-Portuguese culture. 



Henry The Navigator (The Portuguese Prince of Sea Exploration) amongst an outdoor gallery of notable statues.

Showcasing the Portuguese-Australian talent


PPP showcases Luis Geraldes' tile mural, 'Fragile World in Constant Expansion'  in Petersham to highlight the work by a notable Portuguese-Australian artist who uses the iconic azulejo to honour the presence of the Portuguese in Petersham. 



Developing the concept of Partly Portuguese and Almost Australian to respectively explain the second and third generation Portuguese (born or raised in Australia) who define themselves as Australian, but are a product of their heritage, and the first-generation Portuguese migrants who adapt to their new country of Australia.



Gary Galego, Australian-born Industrial Designer, showcases his award-winning chair and acknowledges his Portuguese heritage by naming it 'Leve' (Light).

Recording the Portuguese-Australian Artists' Journeys


John  & Helena Matos' ceramics produced in the Southern Highlands and used in the homes everywhere, notably Nicole Kidman's, preserve the distinct Portuguese style in Australia.

book Talks


Event talks at:

  • SBS talk for Book Launch Aug 2006
  • Portuguese Ethnographic Museum for Book Signing Nov 2006
  • Customs House for City of Sydney's Heritage Week Mar 2007
  • Petersham Town Hall for Camões Day Celebrations June 2007
  • Petersham Cultural & Food Tour for History Week Sept 2007
  • Woollahra Library for Local Writers' Word Festival Nov 2008

See Book Launch Gallery below


Portuguese Consul-Adjunct Pedro Magalhāes

Por favor, transmita aos autores meus votos de grande sucesso literário.

Conselheira Ana de Moura Gonçalves Pereira

Parabéns as duas escritoras, pelo lançamento do vosso livro em nome de Portugal da nossa Língua e da nossa Cultura.

Bem Hajam!

José Mariano - Director Digital Video Productions

O livro está uma maravilha a começar na primeira página e nāo largar até chegarmos à última.

Que trabalho maravilhoso que vocês fizeram.


Beatriz Wagner - SBS Radio

A repercussāo do lançamento foi muito positiva. Foi assunto dos comentários do dia, todos na SBS gostaram e comentaram da organizaçāo perfeita, da comida excepcional, das autoras simpáticas, dos discursos emocionados, da cantora de fado talentosa... agradamos a todos!

Mas estas coisas nāo acontecem por acaso, claro, e o início de tudo foi o belo trabalho que vocês fizeram, o livro que vocês escreveram.

Eu relaient fico muito orgulhosa de ter podido participar um pouquinho da caminhada de vocês , e como disse em entrevista à tv portuguesa, o dia foi sem dúvida um marco na história da comunidade portuguesa na Austrália.

Parabéns às duas escritoras.

Manuel António Gaspar - Founder of the newspaper 'O Português na Austrália'

History in the making is how I describe your achievement in the literary field. Congratulations to you both you are amazing, we are proud of you. Your talent and your courage is beyond doubt. I am sorry it has taken me so long to congratulate you on the publishing of your book, titled, Partly Portuguese Almost Australian. Makes good reading particularly for the second generation that have been so quiet for so long. Where so much talent lies idle, lets hope this is the beginning.

Nalita Ferraz - Australian Associate Press Pty Ltd (AAP)

I received your book and am looking forward to reading it. I have flicked through already and some of the photographs brought back memories of my parents' own photo albums...

...thanks for sending me the book and I hope your launch was successful. Again, I'm sorry I couldn't be there.





A book giving voice to Portuguese-Australian women



All of the above



  • Portuguese navigators were the first Europeans to set foot on Australian soil (1521)
  • In 1901, a mere 311 Portuguese lived in Australia
  • 1950s saw the first influx of arrivals including José Pinto Marufo in 1951
  • 1961 - 958 Portuguese-born resided in Australia - and the Portuguese Club of Sydney was founded
  • 2019, the Portuguese population in Australia is 61,487 with 15,328 Portuguese-born & 46,519 descendants

upcoming SHORT STORIEs & movie script


STAY TUNED FOR THE UPCOMING SIXTEEN SHORT STORIES by GINA PINTO inspired by the groundbreaking work of American-Portuguese author Katherine Vaz

PPP is working on producing the FILM SCRIPT

 'MEN ARE LIKE FISH' - a comedy-drama about two quirky Australian businessmen with conflicting agendas who attend a Cannery conference in Lisbon. After leaving for a weekend away, they get robbed, arrested by secret police, and the only people who can rescue them are… the gypsies.